What is the best wireless Bluetooth neckband earphone.

Investing in a new set of neckband headphones to improve your playlist might give you the push you need if you're trying to become fit by running, workout etc.

Three types of wireless earbuds are available with sports versions: genuine wireless models, wireless with a cord, and earbuds with a neckband.

The battery and Bluetooth transmitter are housed in a horseshoe-shaped collar on these wireless neckband earbuds, which are worn around the shoulders. Despite having an unusual appearance, the designs have several advantages.

 When it comes to selecting low-cost Bluetooth audio earbuds, TWS and neckbands are head-to-head (pun intended). TWS is the solution for you if a compact and fashionable form factor, wireless functionality, and enhanced call quality are what your heart and ears desire. However, neckbands should be your choice if you want a durable form factor that is less likely to get misplaced, with simple controls and a superior battery on a tight price.

How to pick the ideal Bluetooth wireless neckband:

Convenience, long-lasting battery life (high-end versions give 10 hours of listening), and features like noise cancellation are all combined in neckband headphones. Due to the excellent Bluetooth stability that most devices offer, you won't have any connection problems. Furthermore, many would contend that the neckband style is the most effective method to keep them in your ears.


Ekko, the first wearable audio cult brand in India, provides a variety of high-end and affordable headphones, neckbands, and other accessories. Because there are so many participants on the market selling audio products of all different quality, consumer listening habits have significantly diminished. While some individuals desire soundproof listening, others merely need simple listening devices. Ekko created audio gear expressly to address a variety of needs and issues. With True Wireless Stereo, Ekko's headphones, neckbands, and other audio alternatives, everyone has a choice. Due to his fascination in all things Indian, EKKO created the concept to appeal to music enthusiasts looking for audio wearables for in-depth listening. Finding the top neckband earphones is simple here.

A few products from Ekko:

  1. Ekko unplug NO2: Rs. 899
  2. Ekko unplug NO3: Rs. 1299
  3. Ekko unplug NO4: Rs. 1399


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